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Saturday, 3 November 2012

Beaded Kumihimo

I've been having a go at beaded kumihimo and it's really fun! It takes me ages to prepare the threads with all the beads on the disk but once that's done it's pretty quick to make a bracelet. This is the first one I made and I missed a couple of beads here and there but I was pleased with it as a first attempt:

Then I had a go at a stripy bracelet, using this tutorial as a basis:
You use the same process as for a non-stripy bracelet but  you have to position the threads in a certain way on the board to create the stripes. I used slightly larger beads for this one, which I think made the bracelet a bit looser than the first one. It's unfinished as I didn't have enough yellow beads.

Finally, I just created this rainbow bracelet, which I'm pretty pleased with. I'm looking forward to making lots more, but they do use up a lot of beads!